Friday, November 6, 2009

A Spotlight on Wesley

Having a big brother is rough sometimes. He steals all the attention and talks ALL the time. Poor littlest brother needed to have a blog post all about him.
Wesley is now eating cereal and continuing to plump up those thighs that don't really need all that plumping. The other day we gave him some carrots. The face says it all. Literally. I spent the majority of the next night awake due to some stomach cramping. So I am backing off the carrots for a while and sticking to cereal so we can all et some sleep around here.

Last night we got home from dinner and Wesley was in a particularly festive mood. He thought the song Michael had made up and was singing to him was the funniest thing of all time. Is there anything better than a baby cracking up? I don't think so.

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