Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Something for ME!

The advice I always get from mothers who are further along in their mothering career is, "Take time for yourself. Whatever you do take time everyday to do something for you. It will make you a better mother if you do." And with two very little ones who always seem to need me for something I am realizing more and more just how important it is to follow that advice. So I have decided to do something for me. Something I have always wanted to do. This Jan. I am running the Rock 'n Roll half marathon here in Phoenix. Some might call me crazy. "How in the world do you have time and didn't you just have a baby 5 months ago? Well I'm not always sure how I find time but thanks to a mom and mother-in-law who live close and can pop down to watch the kids so I can run I seem to be able to get all my workouts in. AND yes I did just have a baby 5 months ago and that is why it is the perfect time. I have had a total of one month over the past two and half years where I have not been pregnant or breast feeding so it was time to do something with my body for myself! So come Jan 17th I will need any and all support! Hope to see you there.

I look happy and tired. The way I do most of the time now-a-days!
Me and my sweet boys!

1 comment:

Bri and John said...

That's incredible Christy! I will be there! Tell me the time and location of the marathon route, and our family can pick a spot somewhere around the path and cheer you on. I've never been a runner...so I totally admire those who love to run :-)

And I 100% agree with taking time for yourself. It keeps me sane.

Happy and refreshed mom means a MUCH happier household :-)