Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween!

It has been a fun beginning to the holiday season in the fay house these past two weeks. Last Sunday we went to our church's Trunk or Treat event (people decorate their cars and kids trick or treat out of the trunks) . We all went as pirates. Oliver had a blast walking around, seeing all the kids costumes, and going in the big jumping pit. Wesley has fun too and looked super cute in his pirate costume and mustache (we used washable marker don't worry great grandmas).
Yesterday, for Halloween, we headed up to Bill and Marsha's and were joined by Mimi and Papa and Carol (my mom's friend visiting from out of town). Their neighborhood is very safe (thanks to the overly cautious gate security) and filled with kids so we thought it would be a great place to go. We were glad we made this choice because one house handed out play dough. Where were these people when I was little? I wasn't sure how Oliver would do. But I was quickly reminded that although he is born from too people who were, as kids, VERY shy, he is definetely NOT. He just walked right up said, "Trick or Treat," Got his candy and that was that. When we got back to Nana and Papa's we let him dump out his candy and choose a few to eat. On the way home we heard from him, more than a few times, "more candy." Overall, it was a success.
I should say that Wesley was a pumpkin. He looked very cute and slept through most of the trick or treating festivities. Next year it will be a different story:)

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