Sunday, March 21, 2010

Nine Months

Who can believe that Wesley is nine months and will be a year in June. I surely can't. I took him into the doctor for his check-up and we found out he weighs 19 lbs (35th percentile) and has grown a ton in the last 3 months and is now 29.5 inches (85th percentile). He is moving more and more everyday. Just today he was able to move his hands once and his legs once while in the crawling position. He is REALLY close to being able to crawl all over the house. And he is loving standing anytime anyone is willing to hold him up. He also has made a few attempts at pulling himself up. He can clap his hands and is starting to be able to wave every once and a while. And, MOST importantly he says, "Ma ma ma:)" Here he is playing at Desert Ridge this past week.

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