Sunday, August 28, 2011

The First Day

As many of you know Oliver did a semester of pre-school last year (if you can even call it a semester at this age) at a church down the street from our house. He went two days a week and, most days, he was excited to go. This year we found out that SCA was opening a pre-school class for older 3's and younger 4's which fits him perfectly. We debated on whether or not switch schools because we were really happy with the church's preschool but in the end good old SCA won out. We really can't get away from that school and, I guess, that is a good thing. This last week we had a chance to go to a little "get oriented" day. I took Oliver and left the little ones behind. We got a chance to see his room and meet some of the other kids and moms. Everyone was extremely welcoming and friendly and we both felt at home right away. Here are a few pics from that day.

He made his very own placemat while we were there. He wrote his name all by himself without any help from me whatsoever.
Story time.

Here is our handsome devil right before his first day.
Here are my big boys. Wesley is wearing his SCA shirt in support of his big bro. I took Oliver to school and on the way I said to him, "I don't know why your nose is so runny." He responded, "Don't worry." I said, "Okay buddy, I won't worry." He said, "Don't worry mom, they will have kleenex at school." I love that he was reassuring me and not the other way around:)
Overall, I think it was a successful first day. There were no tears and when we asked him if he made any friends he told us, "Yeah, I played spiderman with the kid with the spiky hair." We don't know our friends name yet but hopefully that will come:)
While Oliver went off to school, I stayed home with the two younger ones. Aren't they cute...
Wesley, who is becoming more hilarious by the day, found the Spiderman back pack, put a book in it, and promptly informed me, "I go to school with Da Da." "Da Da" is what Wesley prefers to call his big brother even though he can say a version of his name "Oli-O" - we aren't sure why. Anyways he said to me, "I bring book. Go school with Da Da." Apparently he is ready when the time comes.
Crosby was happy to stay behind and work on his newly discovered skill-sucking on his hand.

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