Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Getting Ready

So the countdown is on. This Friday I am officially 37 weeks and full term. I see the doctor tomorrow to find out if I am dialated at all. However, if there is one thing I have learned from my two labors - there is no predicting. Crosby is going to come when he feels like it. Of course, if wanted to come early I would be totally okay with that. I am feeling done with being pregnant. Ready to not have a huge belly to contend with while still having to keep up with my nearly 2 and 3 and a half year olds. In the mean time there is not lack of projects to do to get ready. With Mimi's help we converted Wesley's nursery into Crosby's so at least little man has a place to call home whenever he decided to make his appearance. Here are a few pics of his place.

Making room for Crosby meant moving Wesley out of his room (out of his crib) and into a big boy bed in Oliver's room. Well, it is now no longer just Oliver's room but Oliver's and Wesley's room. I was secretly dreading this move. I took Oliver at least 6 months to actually sleep on the bed consistently and not on the floor behind the door. So I really had no idea what to expect with Wesley. The first night we made the mistake of putting them to bed together, at the same time. They laughed and giggled at each other for about an hour and a half before Oliver fell asleep. And it took at least another thirty or forty minutes for Wesley to fall asleep. We aren't quite sure when he actually did close his eyes because Michael fell asleep waiting for him to finally call it a night. Somehow, miraculously, Welsey woke up in the middle of the night but seemed to understand he needed to stay in his bed. And so although he was up a few times and we had to settle him back the night went a lot better than expected. From then on we have put one or the other to sleep first which has gone very well. Here are a few pics of Wesley's side of the room. Surprise, surprise, it is a car theme. He especially loves his tires that spin and we often hear him playing with them before falls asleep.

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