Thursday, April 29, 2010

Oliver Update

I thought it was time to write an update on both Oliver and Wesley. Here it goes with our big man.

* Is starting to learn how to go potty in the potty or outside on the grass. Is motivated by jelly beans. Will pee for a jelly bean.

* Still sleeps on the floor on blankets behind the door

* Will sing and dance to Billie Jean anytime and anywhere

* Says the most hilarious and amazing stuff, some recent examples:
"I like commercials. Oliver likes commercials." (he prefers to address himself in the third person)
Riding in the car he points outside to a neighborhood and says, "That's a neighborhood."
Watching extra the other night he heard the name Jaqueline Smith and said, "I like Jaqueline's hair (his friend from church). I like Sophia's hair too."
* Likes to watch "Dancing with the Stars" and "Mikey Mouse Club House" of course

* Has mastered the summersault and is now trying to master the cartwheel (thanks to Uncle Stephen who
who taught him how) here is a video.

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