Monday, April 5, 2010

Oliver's New Love: MJ

In February we put a Michael Jackson CD in the van simply because Michael and I like Michael Jackson. And so as we drove around town Oliver was introduced, without any real planning on our part, to MJ. At first he just asked to hear certain songs again. Then when we got in the van to go somewhere he would ask to listen to Michael Jackson. Then he took a certain liking to Billie Jean which he, at first called, "Jeanie." And it was all downhill from there. What was a certain liking has turned into a full fledged obsession. The kid lives for MJ. We listen to him in the van, we watch videos of him on You Tube, and we even rent and now purchase the Michael Jackson greatest hit DVD. And he spends most of his days trying to perfect his adorable rendition of Billie Jean along with spins and the moonwalk. And he knows ALL the songs by name. Billie Jean, Beat it, Smooth Criminal, Man in the Mirror, Black or White. He can tell you by listening to the first few bars of the song which one it is. In fact, today in the car he asked to listen to Billie Jean. I accidently tuned it to Man in the Mirror and he promptly, and I mean promptly, informed me, "This is Man in the Mirror." Like Duh Mom do you not know which number on the CD Billie Jean is? We have created a monster. But I will say it is HIGHLY entertaining.

Here he is doing the dance in his big boy underwear. (no he is not potty trained. he just really wanted to wear them)

Here he is showing of his moves for a crowd on Easter. Hilarious!

1 comment:

Lesa said...

So cute. Jia is also a Michael fan. She likes "black and White" Mainly because it starts out with screaming. Maybe we coud form a family dance troupe?