Saturday, May 15, 2010

A Little About Mom and Dad

It's been a busy month in our household. Then again, I am not sure when it is not busy. And perhaps that is why we have all been sick to some degree this last week. I guess life does eventually catch up with you. Anyways I wanted to share a few things that Michael and I have been up to. Let me take a minute to brag on my husband. He is such an incredible teacher and I know most days he doesn't feel it but he has a gift with kids and he has such an impact on their lives. In fact he just got a note from one of his seniors saying that they have learned more this year about what it means to be a Christian in his Bible class. AND he also happens to be an incredible talented videographer. If anyone reads this blog and hasn't already done so please go to his and Steve's website and check out the promo video for a wedding they just shot in San Diego a few weekends ago. This is really only their second official wedding as Lomaland productions and I think it's pretty amazing.

Billy Jack and Alissa // Trailer // May 1, 2010 from Lomaland Productions on Vimeo.

I too have been super busy. I made a lampshade to hang over our table and am in the middle of working on one to sell. So if anyone is interested in buying one I will have more info soon once I am done with it. Here are a few pics of the one I just finished a few weeks ago.

And this past Sunday I had the privilege of teaching at our church for Mother's Day. I taught on John 4, "The Woman at the Well." I love this passage so much and I had such an incredible time preparing and then teaching on it. The teaching can be found on our church's website if anyone is interested in listening to it.

click on the media player tab and it will get you there

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