Thursday, February 4, 2010

Welcome Bella Grace Owens!

I am so excited to announce the little Miss Bella made her appearance yesterday just after 2:00pm. She was a tiny 5.5 lbs. and 18 inches. And I am excited to announce as well that aside from Christine, Rowdy, and the doctors and nurses I was the first to see her sweet little face. Not really on purpose actually but it just so happened that as I was walking to the room Rowdy was walking back from surgery with a huge grin on his face and Bella in his arms!
I cannot tell you just how much Michael and I love Christine and Rowdy and how dear a friends they have been to us over the years. In fact we knew both of them in high school. Rowdy graduated with Michael and I and Christine with Steph. It is just so fun that we have known each other for so long and have been able to share in each others lives as we enter into new and exciting phases in our lives together. We watched each other get married, and they were there for both births of our boys (in fact both times Christine was the first friend to arrive on the scene. Which makes me extra proud that I was the first friend to see Bella:) and now we have gotten the blessing of watching them become parents! And I have to say nothing beats seeing the faces of both mom and dad as they look at their daughter or son for the first time, which held true yesterday . And there is nothing, to me, that points more clearly to the fact that God continues to do miracles today then the through the incredible gift of new life. I truly felt honored to be there yesterday to be a part of it!


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