Friday, July 16, 2010

Star Wars

Oliver has a new obsession that has taken over in our house: Star Wars. My mom bought him a Star Wars sticker book to play with up in Canada and then to take home when the trip concluded. I am not sure but at least an hour of everyday was devoted to this sticker book and the learning and memorization of Star Wars characters. And let me tell you an hour of the same thing for any 2 and a half year old is a bid deal. Since we have gotten home he has (due to some heavy potty training bribery) inherited Star Wars Episode I,II, and III which he LOVES to watch as well as a light up light saber to add to the two he already has. I totally thought the movies would be scary but he just watches them intently and spouts off the names of all the characters with eerily amazing speed and accuracy. Here is a video with him and his book. Child prodigy or Star Wars nerd? Probably both but you decide for yourself.

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